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AGE 8+   BOARD GAME  $24.95

If only there was a ‘crystal ball’ where students could see how their career choices would have a major impact on their lifestyles. This game is designed to do just that! With over 500 career questions, this game provides a ‘reality check’ for students long before they graduate. Get ready to have fun and learn how to manage the money you earn based on the career randomly selected.

The purpose of the game is to learn about various careers, including roles and responsibilities, education requirements, society viewpoints, career definitions, and much more! Realistic challenges for everyday career choices such as Mortgage/Rent payments, Car payments, Groceries, Utilities, Home Repairs, and many others are included in the game. For parents, this game is a ‘Wake Up’ call for children in terms of money earned and money managed.

Product: This game teaches you about career options, lifestyle, money management, and credit. Players (2-6).



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