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Hi, can you see my future? I can! Our story is one that I look forward to sharing with you and others nationwide. Before I go back to my office (actually the classroom with my friends), please allow me to give you some insight about AchieveAhead, a company were our name is also our mission.

Dr. Jeffery Ryans, founder, realizes the importance of early stimulation and exposure for young students. He believes “vision” is the number one reason why some students excel moreso than others. Helen Keller, an author, lecturer, and political activist was the first deaf-blind student to receive a college degree. She was asked, What could be worse than being blind? She responded: “To have sight but no vision.”

Dr. Ryans brings a wealth of experience to help students in their academic and career development. As a former educator and administrator for the University of Georgia, the University of Tennessee and Cleveland State Community College, he served in various capacities assisting students with their program areas. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration, a master’s degree in education, and a doctoral degree in business administration. He is a member of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society, having graduated with a 3.95 GPA. Dr. Ryans also serves as a member of a university business advisory board located in Atlanta, Georgia.


Our team is composed of professionals whose collaborative efforts and expertise foster the cognitive and social development of students. Students also serve as an integral part of our team concept. Their roles are critical to the development of our products and services that have an immediate impact on student development. No one person has all the necessary specialized knowledge and skills to meet your child’s unique needs. For this reason, the concept of the “team” is fundamental when it comes to promoting your child’s growth, development, and learning.


Students today are living in a world of rapid change. Yesterday’s skills are no longer enough for today’s opportunities. Now, more than ever before, career orientation needs to be a priority in our educational curriculum. Sure we hear about schools having “career day”. Unfortunately, one day, or even one week is not enough to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for a lifetime of decisions.

Young people everywhere need to develop a greater breadth of skills to evaluate and apply knowledge in ways that meet the new demands of our changing social and economic landscape. Our purpose is to help students make informed decisions as they explore career opportunities, choose a college major, or make the transition from school to work.

Many experts embrace what is called the the developmental approach, which proposes that career education should begin as early as kindergarten on a very general level, and gradually become more focused and specific for older kids.

Today, students have great opportunities to help them figure out the answer to the big question asked over and over again: What do you want to be when you grow up? Career days can help students as young as elementary school age to start thinking more in-depth about what they want to do as adults. Our products help them get there!

The middle grades are a crucial time to engage, or reengage, students and put them on a path to college and career success. Research has demonstrated that grades, attendance, and participation in middle school are strong predictors of high school graduation and post secondary success.

Testimonial: “Had I known what majors and careers were available when I was still in high school or better yet, even before high school, I may have had a more direct and straightforward college experience. I also would’ve had more time to discover my passions and interests prior to beginning my undergrad and declaring a major.”

The majority of students in all colleges and universities change their major at least once; and many change their major several times throughout their college career. Why is this a common theme which cost you more time and money? We can help before or even after you get on campus.

Graduation is something to cheer about and as you celebrate all of your accomplishments! What’s next? For many students, the uncertainty of their future becomes a reality. Our goal is to help you before you feel overwhelmed about the decisions you are now faced with. Let’s talk now!


Talk about doing homework, we’ve done the homework for you! Often students may have heard their parents say, “If I knew then what I know now!” Our products provide a plethora of information that students can have access to at an early age. These tools include personal and career development cards as well as an unforgettable board game. Our products have a profound impact on the student’s future.


  • As a student, you gain advanced knowledge in terms of educational endeavors and work preparedness along with some other life skills we designed for your development.
  • Upon reading and studying the information, you will be able to increase your participation in classroom discussions because you will be equipped with additional resources your classmates may not have.
  • Student awareness of career opportunities are detailed in a format that will narrow your focus of career choices. This will allow better decision-making of college majors prior to arriving on campus.
  • As a parent, the numerous conversations that you intend to have with your children will now become a reality with a guided format.
  • Our products and services spark opportunities for parents and students to discuss choices that impact the student’s future.


We are committed to student development. We offer resources designed to educate, motivate, and stimulate career ambitions and workforce readiness. Our experience includes both inside and outside classroom preparation. As a team, we shape the future!

Thanks to the support of various businesses and individuals, AchieveAhead is able to offer resources that impact the lives of students, teachers, and parents worldwide.

Our sponsors are selected based on criteria requirements set forth by AchieveAhead, LLC. These sponsors are highly respected in their professions, as well as in their communities.

Our primary goal with selected sponsors is to increase students’ awareness and knowledge of various careers. In many ways, these sponsors could become employers for some students or provide them with an interest to pursue a career path they may have never thought about.

Sponsorship information is available upon request– [email protected]

“The Best Gift to Give A Student Is A Future.”
– Dr. Jeffery Ryans


As a ‘thank you’ for reviewing our website, we want to extend to you an opportunity to receive a SURPRISE! Believe it or not, I know it may sound too good to be true, but we appreciate you in advance with or without a purchase from our site.

1) Must be a student to enter (pre-K through College)
2) Must be 18-years or older to complete registration or allow your parent to complete registration
3) One registration per student